So thanks to the Tapas forums I discovered that Affinity products are currently on sale: only €28 instead of €50, wheee! 😀 Got myself both Designer and Publisher.
I already had the trial version of Affinity Designer and I thought it was pretty neat. Today I got to play a little more with it and decided to experiment with the lettering + vertical panel composition for the Webtoon version of the comic. So far I’ve been constantly switching between Photoshop for the panel layout and Clip Studio Paint for the lettering and… it was a pain in the butt XD also, CSP apparently has issues with the font I’m using for the Webtoon version of the comic and won’t make alternate uppercase characters show up correctly. Hence why I decided to make an attempt in Affinity. Aaaaand… I actually love it? :O
Granted, making balloons is not as easy as it is in CSP, but Affinity’s more intuitive UI, easy to use vector tools and especially TEXT TOOLS THAT ACTUALLY WORK AS THEY SHOULD still made the whole process a lot faster. 10/10, totally recommended *_*
Also, say hi to teeny-tiny spoiler panel 😀