Realizing that, he cannot leave Aaron to his fate, Adrian leaves the house and starts looking for him.

Realizing that, he cannot leave Aaron to his fate, Adrian leaves the house and starts looking for him.

7.9 – Damn you

As much as letting the blonde walking disaster deal with the consequences of his actions feels tempting, leaving him to his fate is easier said than done. Time so search for Aaron!

Webcomic recommendations: Krazy Noodle Massacre by Lutzbug

Soooo… here’s a little something I originally started to do for my Dreamwidth: webcomic recommendations! 😀 Ever since I started to work on my own comic, I slowly started to get more and more involved with the online comic community, got to read plenty of stories and… found a bunch of hidden gems ^_^ and since, as a creator myself, I know how freaking hard it is to get more eyes on your comics, I figured it might be a good idea to be the change I wanted to see and start recommending some of my favorite stories. 

  • Note #1: I won’t be posting these on a regular schedule (I tried on DW, failed miserably after week #2), so expect them to pop up at random :’D 
  • Note #2:my main genres of interest are supernatural, dark fantasy and horror, so a lot of the stuff I’m going to recommend will obviously fall into those categories. Content warnings will be listed in the recommendation posts themselves, together with a summary (taken from the original author’s site/page). If you’d rather not see these recommendations altogether, feel free to block the tag L*lyrel recommends (without the asterisk).

And now that the warnings are over, let me tell you about… 

Krazy Noodle Massacre by Lutzbug 

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Page #9 – the remake

Lineart for one of the panels in the updated version of page 9 of The Emergency Coven.

Redrawing the crap out of page 9. I never really liked how that page turned out: the perspective was weird, the colors were half-assed and I also felt like the transition from markers to digital that came right after that page was too jarring. There’s still a lot of work to do on this new version as well (I swear that first panel just hates me), but… LOOK! WE HAVE BACKGROUNDS NOW! 😀