Realizing that, he cannot leave Aaron to his fate, Adrian leaves the house and starts looking for him.

Realizing that, he cannot leave Aaron to his fate, Adrian leaves the house and starts looking for him.

7.9 – Damn you

As much as letting the blonde walking disaster deal with the consequences of his actions feels tempting, leaving him to his fate is easier said than done. Time so search for Aaron!

Trying out Affinity Designer

A sample panel of The Emergency Coven with lettering made in Affinity Designer.

So  thanks to the Tapas forums I discovered that Affinity products are currently on sale: only €28 instead of €50, wheee! 😀 Got myself both Designer and Publisher. 

I already had the trial version of Affinity Designer and I thought it was pretty neat. Today I got to play a little more with it and decided to experiment with the lettering + vertical panel composition for the Webtoon version of the comic. So far I’ve been constantly switching between Photoshop for the panel layout and Clip Studio Paint for the lettering and… it was a pain in the butt XD also, CSP apparently has issues with the font I’m using for the Webtoon version of the comic and won’t make alternate uppercase characters show up correctly. Hence why I decided to make an attempt in Affinity. Aaaaand… I actually love it? :O 

Granted, making balloons is not as easy as it is in CSP, but Affinity’s more intuitive UI, easy to use vector tools and especially TEXT TOOLS THAT ACTUALLY WORK AS THEY SHOULD still made the whole process a lot faster. 10/10, totally recommended *_* 

Also, say hi to teeny-tiny spoiler panel 😀

So… vertical format, huh?

A couple of panels from Chapter 1 of The Emergency Coven in vertical format.

An attempt at vertical format for Webtoon is being made 😀 

The good so far: bigger panels + text, updates seem longer, I can have a black background which always makes things look immensely better (I haven’t used it for my regular print format because I don’t think it’d be very feasible if I were to actually print it, but the vertical format is web-only anyway, soooo…who cares :D)

The bad so far: bigger panels, which means that each and every one of my mistakes is 10 times more glaring than before D: also, having to redo the lettering all over again is a pain in the butt, just as I thought. I swear I can recite the first few chapters of The Emergency Coven by heart by now, given how many times I redid the lettering for this damn thing :’D 

Also, on a somewhat unrelated note: I only just realized now that Adobe Fonts is a thing that exists and that I have access to. Needless to say, I already downloaded a ton of new fonts for comics, including the one you can see above. I think I’m in love *O* too bad that I can only use the fonts I downloaded in Photoshop and not in Clip Studio Paint (where I usually do most of my comic lettering), but still… I’m so happy, omg *O*

Edit: attempt completed, you can now find the comic in vertical format on Webtoon!