Aaron tells Adrian that it's okay if he needs some time alone, he also needs some time for himself to process everything that happened. Still, Adrian promises that he will be back soon and gives Aaron some money to keep in case of emergency.
Aaron tells Adrian that it's okay if he needs some time alone, he also needs some time for himself to process everything that happened. Still, Adrian promises that he will be back soon and gives Aaron some money to keep in case of emergency.

Adrian: I didn’t mean--
Aaron: It’s fine, don’t worry. I… need some time for myself, too.
Aaron: It’s not like finding out that you slept with a monster happens every day, isn’t it?
Adrian: It’s… more frequent than one would like to think, actually.
Aaron: …Oh.
Adrian: Anyway, I’ll be back soon. Here, take these. (gives Aaron money)
Adrian: It’s not much, but better than nothing. Although I’d suggest staying inside unless there’s an emergency.
Aaron: You don’t need to do this.
Adrian: I insist. You can give it back to me once this is all over.
Aaron: I… thank you, Adrian.
Adrian: No problem. See you later.