Adrian keeps looking for Aaron, but he's nowhere to be found. However, it's obvious that the young man did something involving Adrian's potions, since a bunch of bottles appear to be missing.

Adrian keeps looking for Aaron, but he's nowhere to be found. However, it's obvious that the young man did something involving Adrian's potions, since a bunch of bottles appear to be missing.

Adrian: Alright, no need to panic, Adrian. Maybe he's just smoking in the backyard.

Adrian: Aaaand... no, he isn't.

Adrian: My room, perhaps?

Adrian: Sniff... woah, this smell! These are certainly not cigarettes. But he was here, no doubt.

Adrian: And he stuck his nose into my potions, too. Great.

7.6 – Not cigarettes

Suspicious smells and broken potion bottles. Looks like this is gonna be another fun night for Adrian.