Adrian reaches the cemetery, but the vampire is nowhere to be seen. Adrian looks around, trying to find the vampire. Something moves in the bushes. Adrian takes out his gun, thinking he found the vampire.
The town graveyard. Adrian stops his motorcycle just a few feet away from a sign that reads: "Milford cemetery - open dawn to dusk - travel at your own risk". "Damn, he got into the cemetery", Adrian thinks "I can't follow him there by motorcycle". He stares forward, clearly annoyed. "If he reaches the woods, I'll never be able to catch him. Great." He gets off the motorcycle and starts walking around the cemetery looking for any sign of the vampire, as he adjusts his leather jacket against the cold. "This rain isn't helping either". He turns slightly to look around: "If only-- huh?!" he stops, as he hears a rustling sound coming from a bush right behind him. He turns to look at the source of the noise and starts to draw out his gun. "Praise be to God", he thinks, as a louder "thud" comes out of the bush.

Adrian: Damn, he got into the cemetery. I can't follow him there by motorcycle. If he reaches the woods, I'll never be able to catch him. Great.

This rain isn't helping either. If only... huh?!

Praise be to God.