Tyresias: Oh, come on, it was intriguing.
Adrian: *Sigh* Go on, Aaron. So they left without you. But why are you here?
Aaron: Because they're a bunch of jerks is why.
Adrian: No, I mean... the first rest stop is pretty far from here. How did you get to this place?
Aaron: On foot! They weren't coming back, so I tried to reach them. But then I got lost and it started to rain, so I looked for shelter and... I just ended up here.
Adrian: In a graveyard.
Aaron: I didn't KNOW it was a graveyard! I thought it was a garden or... or whatever!
Tyresias: Bet he thought the tombstones were gingerbread houses...
Adrian: Couldn't you just... use your phone?
Aaron: I left it on the bus...
Tyresias: Why am I not surprised?