Tyler asks Regan if she's actually planning to leave the town. She says that, while she doesn't want Louis around, she also thinks that running away would fix nothing. Louis would still be around, free to hurt others. People like Aaron. She doesn't like Aaron, but she also thinks that he doesn't deserve what happened to her and Tyler. Nobody does.
Tyler asks Regan if she's actually planning to leave the town. She says that, while she doesn't want Louis around, she also thinks that running away would fix nothing. Louis would still be around, free to hurt others. People like Aaron. She doesn't like Aaron, but she also thinks that he doesn't deserve what happened to her and Tyler. Nobody does.

Regan: I-I’ll make our medicine. The last thing we need is facing the full moon without it.
Tyler: Do you… still want to leave the town?
Regan: I…
…No. Don’t get me wrong, I do wish we could run as far as we can from here.
Tyler: But…?
Regan: But we can’t.
Not when Louis could find us at any time. Not when he could still hurt other people.
Tyler: People like Aaron?
Regan: Yeah. He is an annoying little shit, but he doesn’t deserve what happened to us.
Nobody does.