Jorn finally finds the info he was looking for: a keyword. He immediately calls Father Uriel.

Jorn finally finds the info he was looking for: a keyword. He immediately calls Father Uriel.

Jorn: Or maybe a keyword...

Jorn pauses.

Jorn: Wait... din jävel!

Jorn: Hello, Father Uriel? Yes, I think I found what we were looking for.

7.4 – A keyword

Note: "din jävel" pretty much means something along the lines of "you motherf---er", "you fu--er" or "you son of a b--" in Swedish :D Also, regarding the keyword: it's "nochteipsum", which... technically speaking, isn't a "real" word :'D However, the verb "nocht" in Irish means something along the lines of "reveal/show". There's a famous maxim in Latin that says "nosce te ipsum" (often translated as "know thyself", but originally intended as "know your limits"). As a result, the keyword is pretty much a mix of all these concepts ("show yourself // know yourself // know your limits") :D